środa, 26 sierpnia 2020

Eat to stimulate the satiety center, it works for weight loss!


onsuming only valuable sources of complex carbohydrates. https://pl.quora.com/unanswered/Czy-E575-jest-szkodliwe The best choices are vegetables (especially eaten raw), as well as wholemeal bread, pasta and groats. You should avoid sweets, sugar, white flour, rice and fruit. The latter are considered a healthy substitute for sweets, but they can provide a lot of calories and sugar.



In order to lower the glycemic index of consumed meals, the following methods can be used:

try to avoid cooking vegetables;

consume carbohydrate products with sources of fiber that limit intestinal absorption of glucose;

combine carbohydrates with proteins, as protein slows down the starch digestion process;

consume a drink every day made with a glass of warm water, a tablespoon of homemade apple cider vinegar and ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon; such a mixture can lower the glycemic index of the consumed meal by as much as 25 - 30%.

Certain areas of the brain are responsible for the feeling of hunger and satiety, the stimulation of which is generated by the level of hormones and neurotransmitters. The degree of stretching of the stomach walls is also important - when it is full, the brain receives a signal that the body is full. However, this signal arrives with a certain delay, so by eating quickly, we will eat a much larger volume of the meal before we feel saturated. Eating a meal slowly and chewing it thoroughly ensures the optimal functioning of the satiety center and promotes better digestion. In addition, it ensures smaller spikes in blood glucose - and here we come back to the aforementioned influence of glycemia on adipose tissue gain.

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